Liberals committed to supporting arts and culture infrastructure

"We have identified approximately $25 million over five years for the design and construction of this new facility. It is important that we celebrate and protect the rich heritage and culture that shapes the Yukon and this investment will help us do that.”

Yukon Liberal Leader Sandy Silver

“We have a responsibility for the proper care of our important heritage and art collections so that future generations will continue to benefit from their legacy. We are pursuing a combined facility for both the heritage and arts collections which will result in efficiencies and provide safe, adequate storage for our broad range of collections.”

Jeanie McLean, Liberal candidate for Mountainview

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Housing across the spectrum to support all Yukoners


“Stable, affordable housing is foundational to the health and wellbeing of all Yukoners. Our Liberal government took a multi-faceted approach to address Yukon’s housing pressures following years of inaction by previous governments. We need to keep this progress going to provide more options for Yukon’s growing population.” Liberal Leader Sandy Silver


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Improvements to Healthcare will continue under a Liberal government

Improving healthcare is at the heart of supporting Yukon families and enabling them to thrive. If re-elected, the Yukon Liberals will continue to implement the recommendations from Putting People First, a comprehensive plan to transform Yukon’s healthcare system into a more holistic, collaborative and people-centred system that will better meet the needs of Yukoners.

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New Commitments to Make Yukon Communities Safer

The Yukon Liberal Party announced commitments to keep communities safe by extending community safety plans and expanding the Sexualized Assault Response Team program.

Jeanie McLean, incumbent candidate for Mountainview and Amanda Brown, candidate for Watson Lake announced plans to create a community safety planning program that will ensure a consistent approach to funding community safety planning activities across Yukon. Under the Liberal government, community safety programs were successfully introduced in Whitehorse and Pelly Crossing in partnership with the Kwanlin Dün First Nation and the Selkirk First Nation.

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Yukon Liberal Candidate for Lake Laberge is Tracey Jacobs

Tracey Jacobs has put her name forward as the Yukon Liberal Party candidate for Lake Laberge. Jacobs, a proud Yukoner since 1982 is a successful business owner, placer miner, strong community volunteer, and outdoor enthusiast.

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