The Yukon Liberal Party is embarking on a series of workshops to directly engage party members in identifying current and upcoming issues of importance to Yukon Liberals. The first workshop will take place on Saturday November 16 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm in Whitehorse. All Yukon Liberal Party members are invited and encouraged to participate in the workshops. In preparation for the first workshop the Yukon Liberal Party executive would like to get a broad sense of which territorial issues are currently important and relevant to party members.
We ask that you please take a few minutes to review the survey's list of issues and choose three that are of particular interest or importance to you. We also encourage you in Question 4, to add additional issues in the space provided if yours are not already included on the list. The issues which receive greatest interest will provide the starting focus of our discussions at the November 16, 2013 workshop.