WHITEHORSE – The Yukon Liberal position is clear. We will accept the Peel Plan as it was originally presented, restart land use planning, and place an immediate moratorium on fracking.
“The Yukon Liberals support planning and decisions based on respect, trust and evidence,” said Pauline Frost, Liberal Candidate for Vuntut Gwitchin. “It is time to move forward on the Peel decision. Dragging it through the courts is costing all Yukoners and stalling all other planning efforts.”
A Liberal government will accept the final report of the original Peel Land Use Planning Commission. We will also restart land use planning in consultation with First Nations communities and stakeholders. The plan includes taking immediate steps to restart the Dawson Land Use Planning process.
“Regional land use plans provide the certainty government and industry require to ensure balanced economic growth and diversification with environmental stewardship. Without trust between the parties involved, there will be no land use plans and no certainty for Yukoners,” said Frost.
An immediate moratorium on fracking will also be in the first orders of business for a Yukon Liberal government.
“There will be no fracking and the Liberals will continue the moratorium on oil and gas development in the Whitehorse trough,” Frost clarified. “The Liberals recognize and support that the First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun, Tr’ondek Hwech’in First Nation and the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation have all passed resolutions on these matters.”
The Liberal platform clearly supports extractive industries but with a clear focus on ensuring they meet the sound standards for land use planning, environmental protection and remediation.
For more information please contact:
Pauline Frost, Yukon Liberals candidate, Vuntut Gwitchin
(867) 335-8089
Yukon Liberals HQ 668-4748
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