Yukon Liberal Party Leader's Reception

On November 15 2024, Premier Ranj Pillai will host a Leader's Reception at the MacBride Museum. Please join the Premier and MLAs to hear about Premier Pillai's vision for our future. Buy your tickets today!

Poilievre not for Yukoners

Pierre Poilievre’s values aren’t Yukon values

As the Yukon Party prepares welcomes Pierre Poilievre to the territory, the Yukon Liberal Party is reminding Yukoners that Pierre Poilievre’s values aren’t Yukon values.

In the past, Pierre Poilievre has made hurtful remarks about Residential School survivors, posed for photographs with individuals wearing shirts with slogans discriminating against the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, used misogynistic dog whistles online, and used anti-Black language multiple times in the House of Commons.

He has no plans to address the overdose crisis, no credible plan to tackle climate change, and he can't be trusted to stand up for workers' rights.

Yukoners appreciate and understand the value that diversity and inclusion brings to the territory. All of our lives are richer because of our territory’s collective commitments to reconciliation, multiculturalism, and respect for each other.

Currie Dixon and the Yukon Party know that Pierre Poilievre's values aren't Yukon values. Will they be brave enough to stand up to Pierre Poilievre when he visits the territory?

Yukon Liberal Party celebrates six months of Premier Pillai’s leadership

The Yukon Liberal Party is celebrating the six-month anniversary of Premier Ranj Pillai’s swearing in as the 10th Premier of the Yukon.

Following in the footsteps of strong Yukon Liberal premiers like Sandy Silver and Senator Pat Duncan, Premier Pillai has focused his time in office on bridging the gap between the public and private sector to find creative solutions to increase access to housing across the territory, championing the economic and social recovery from COVID-19, and moving forward on reconciliation.

“I entered politics because I wanted to shape the community where my wife and I would raise our family,” said Premier Pillai. “I’m proud of the work that our government is doing to transform our health care and education systems so they better serve Yukoners, to increase access to housing so that everyone has a place to call home, and to support a sustainable economic future that benefits everyone,” said the Premier

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Yukon Liberal Party has confirmed new leader

The Yukon Liberal Party has confirmed Ranj Pillai as its new leader. Pillai was acclaimed as leader by the Liberal Party executive at a meeting on January 8th

“I am truly honoured to have this opportunity to be the new party leader. Throughout my upbringing, I was taught the value of public service and have spent the majority of my life serving people. I am committed to working hard, acting strategically, seeking common ground, and fiercely defending the interests of the Yukon. I look forward to serving all Yukoners as we advance the territory in the years ahead.”

Ranj Pillai, Yukon Liberal Party leader

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Yukon Liberals Confirm Leadership Candidate

The Yukon Liberal Party has confirmed Ranj Pillai as an official candidate in the party leadership race. Ranj announced his intention to seek the leadership on November 24, 2022.

Ranj Pillai was elected as the MLA for Porter Creek South in 2016, and served as the Deputy Premier, Minister of Economic Development, Energy, Mines and Resources, Tourism and Culture as well as Yukon’s Housing Corporation, Energy Corporation and the Development Corporation.  Prior to that he was a Whitehorse City Councillor and has held various roles with First Nations Development Corporations and several junior mining companies.

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